Jonathan Majors in Magazine Dreams: A Transformation
13 hours ago
"There are plenty of times in life when you do the competent, responsible thing. But every once in awhile we need to be damn sweet. If we're lucky, we'll never have to regret it."
Lou Grant (Ed Asner)
"Love is all around,
No need to waste it.
You can have a town.
Why don't you take it?
You're gonna make it after all."
Paul Williams
"I have a feeling that God is going to give you a free pass on this one. Go for it."
Father Brendan (William H. Macy)
"In 1940 our armed forces weren't among the 12 most formidable in the world, but obviously we were going to fight a big war. And Roosevelt said the U.S. would produce 50,000 planes in the next four years. Everyone thought it was a joke — and it was 'cause we produced 100,000 planes. Gave our armed forces an armada that would block out the sun."
Sam (Rob Lowe)
Archie (Carroll O'Connor): Don't bother the U.S.A. government with the Constitution.
Mike (Rob Reiner): Why? Afraid they're gonna read it?
Niles (David Hyde Pierce): I hope you remembered to tell him I was an expatriate.
Frasier (Kelsey Grammer): I told him you're an ex–something.
"Discouraging premarital sex is against my religion."
Barney (Neil Patrick Harris)
Karl (Eric Braeden): What you're watching at this very moment is a classic example of what's wrong with television in this town. It is the pursuit of personality at the expense of competence.
Ted (Ted Knight): I'm not sure I understand.
Karl: I'm sure you don't.
"After 23 years of stifles, the dingbat turns on me."
Archie Bunker (Carroll O'Connor)
"An old woman living in a nightmare; an old woman who has fought a thousand battles with death and always won. Now she's faced with a grim decision — whether or not to open a door. And in some strange and frightening way, she knows that this seemingly ordinary door leads to the Twilight Zone."
Opening narration
"Is there a man in the world who suffers as I do from the gross inadequacies of the human race?"
Sheridan Whiteside (Monty Woolley)
Dreaming in Black and White — Nov. 7, 2009.
Film Experience — Nov. 18, 2009.
Total Film's "600 Movie Blogs You Might Have Missed" — Jan. 29, 2010.
Film Experience — June 23, 2010.
Film Experience — Oct. 18, 2010.
J. Neil Schulman @ Rational Review — March 11, 2011.
Paper Images — April 2, 2013.
Arkansas Times — May 28, 2013.
Martin: "You know what they say — whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
Niles: "But, Dad, not everyone makes it into that second group."